Helping you build your Business the strategic way

About Animatrix

Elevating Enterprises Through Excellence in Technology and Creativity

At Animatrix, we transcend conventional boundaries to emerge as a stalwart professional creative company, specializing in an array of paramount services including Web design, Mobile App development, ERP Solutions, brand development, digital marketing, and SEO services.

Guided by an unwavering commitment to enriching businesses and enhancing lives, our overarching mission is succinctly encapsulated: “Enhancing business efficiency and enriching lives through our services.” Anchored in this ethos, we embark on a relentless pursuit of technological advancement, catalyzing positive transformations for countless enterprises.

Central to our philosophy is an unshakable faith in the boundless potential of technology. This belief propels us to consistently deliver on our promises, thereby underscoring Animatrix’s remarkable trajectory in empowering a diverse spectrum of businesses – ranging from burgeoning startups to sprawling conglomerates – with invaluable insights into their operational landscapes.

We take immense pride in bestowing genuine value upon our esteemed clientele, an accomplishment rooted in our distinctive modus operandi. Prioritizing a deep comprehension of our clients’ organizational fabric, we forge an indomitable partnership by unraveling their unique visions.

Through meticulous Web design, we craft digital masterpieces that seamlessly blend aesthetics with functionality. Our Mobile App development endeavors transcend mere coding, culminating in user-centric experiences that redefine engagement. Equally, our ERP Solutions introduce an unprecedented layer of efficiency, streamlining operations and fortifying organizational foundations.

The pivotal realm of brand development bears testament to our creative prowess, breathing life into brand identities that resonate with authenticity and purpose. Our digital marketing and SEO services, marked by unwavering innovation, ensure our clients’ voices echo across digital landscapes, thereby magnifying their reach and impact.

Our approach, a finely orchestrated symphony of strategy, Consulting and Technology

In essence, Animatrix emerges not merely as a company but as a transformative force, reshaping business paradigms and infusing technology with profound purpose. As we stand on the cusp of infinite possibilities, we extend a resolute invitation to join us in this remarkable journey of reshaping industries, amplifying potentials, and championing progress.

Helping you build your Business the strategic way

A Website, A Mobile App, an ERP System, a Logo or an E-commerce solution your brand deserves to stand out and thrive


Animatrix stands tall over a magnificent working experience of 15 years. We believe in planning and discussing every new project with finer details


At Animatrix, we pay close attention to your thoughts and ideas, plans for your desired business and then choose the best technology solution for it


Whether it is a Website, an E-commerce solution, Digital Marketing, ERP Solutions or a Management System, we keep all under a single hierarchy 

Solutions to all your Business realm problems under one domain

At Animatrix, we provide a wide range of industrial segments with our Website, Branding, ERP development, installation, and integration services

Case Studies

An overview of Customer success
Discover the value they have attained by browsing through our Case studies

Odoo ERP in Kenya
ERP in Kenya
Website Design in Kenya
Mobile Apps in Kenya
Mobile Apps in Kenya
Mobile Apps in Kenya
E-commerce Solutions
ERP in Kenya
ERP in Kenya
Website Design in Kenya
Website Design in Kenya
Website Design in Kenya
Website Design in Kenya